23 December 2011




利用綠色薄卡片,描上安安和樂樂的手掌,剪下,黏在事先剪好的圓形卡片上。用紅色glitter foam sheet sticker剪出圓形,貼上。最後,再黏上用金色彩帶綁出的蝴蝶結,就完工!






這是我的“作品” :)





用銀色的BodyArt Paint塗滿雪人。


我們一共製作了七十個雪人,也許不是很精緻,可是卻是安安的一番心意,希望收到祝福的朋友們會喜歡 :)


07 November 2011

J's Unicorn and Princess Party

This year, we decided to go back to the UK for two weeks during half term. It turned out to be very lovely as J got to celebrate her 7th birthday with the grandparents, aunties, uncles, and her cousins. We had a wonderful time in London, Chatsworth, Carlisle, Cotswold and Oxford. It was a very special holiday :)

Almost as soon as we got back, besides battling with jet-lag, we had to start all the preparations. Luckily, we managed to send out the invitation cards, ordered the balloons and bought most of the bits and pieces for the party before we left to the UK.

J wanted a Lion King party initially. However, after taking into consideration that not all the girls in her class will enjoy it, we decided to have a Unicorn and Princess Party, a very safe theme and definitely popular among the girls :)

This is the invitation card that Jemima made:

She drew the picture, we scanned it, cut it out, glued it on the white card and finished off with some sparkly stickers.

We invited all the girls from her class so she had only 10 cards to make and write and 10 envelopes to write the address on. Phew!

I made this giant board when we first moved to SG, using the cardboard from Santa Fe the mover. This turned out to be brilliant as I can use it over and over again (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle!) ... The other side of the board is for Tabitha :)

We ordered different shades of pink helium balloons to decorate the house and put around the giant board to create the atmosphere.

J wanted a big painting of unicorn. I told her, she had to paint it herself. The day after we got home from the UK, we rushed to Bras Basah Complex to buy a giant canvas. First, we poured the paints onto the canvas so that J can covered the canvas up with different shades of pink, white, blue and purple. While waiting for it to dry, J drew a big unicorn on another piece of paper. She worked very hard to "draw" the unicorn with different mediums (different types of paint, marker pens, glitter foam with adhesive back, glitter glue etc) Once the unicorn dried, I tied a silver ribbon onto the tail and stuck the unicorn onto the dried canvas using blue tag.

This is the first time we bought a pinata. We bought different type of fillings (pretty hair clips, different types of unicorn foam stickers, erasers, paper clips, organic lollipops and gummies) to fill up the pinata.

We ordered an unicorn cake from our friend Levy as we know that we won't have enough time and energy to do the baking. J loved this cake very much and played with the unicorn toy after the party :)


I like using fresh flowers to decorate the house :)

Besides using balloons and fresh flowers to decorate the house, I also used pink and purple crepe papers and some cut out paper unicorns to make the party more fun.

We made an unicorn head piece and a badge.

For activities, I bought this unicorn canvas for each of the girls to colour in during the party. They took the canvas home afterwards (and the paint and brushes too) besides the party bag and balloons.

We had pin the horn on the unicorn game, pass the unicorn game, unicorn hand painting, musical statue and wonderful story telling by David. We ordered some lovely unicorn stickers and notepads online as presents for the games.

The girls had a good time I think and J received generous birthday money and presents from her friends. It was a lovely afternoon.

Now, once the thank you letters are sent out, it's time to get ready for Christmas!!

21 March 2011


這幾天咱家院子里多了兩戶“人家”。“新客們”分別是太陽鳥 (Olive-backed sunbirds) 和黄臀鹎 (Yellow-vented Bulbuls)。咱家附近有一大片的叢林樹木,它們不知為何,卻決定在我們小院子里的植物叢中築巢。

對於它們的決定,我們雖然深感納悶,不過,也“尊重”它們,讓它們在這一段日子,好好地“傳宗接代” :)



幾天後,院子又新加入了一對黄臀鹎 (Yellow-vented Bulbuls)。它們選擇了蔥綠的红柄椰。也許它們體格比較大,三兩下很快地就把鳥巢給弄好。連續幾天,母鳥都待在鳥巢里孵蛋,不論日曬雨淋,都風雨不改!真偉大!




“你們看那天上的飛鳥,也不種,也不收,也不積蓄在倉里,你們的天父尚且養活牠。你們不比飛鳥貴重得多嗎? 你們哪一個能用思慮使壽數多加一刻呢?”

Matthew 6:26-27

"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?"


“所以,不要憂慮說,‘吃甚麼?喝甚麼?穿甚麼?’ 這都是外邦人所求的。你們需要的這一切東西,你們的天父是知道的。你們要先求祂的國和祂的義,這些東西都要加給你們了。所以,不要為明天憂慮,因為明天自有明天的憂慮;一天的難處一天當就夠了。”

Matthew 6:31-34:

"So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we wear? or What shall we drink? or What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."


10 March 2011

Pink-Necked Green Pigeon

Spotted this beautiful bird at Sungei Buloh Wetland last Sunday. Very pleased with the photo that I took although it's not as good as those displayed at the centre... will try harder next time! :)

31 January 2011

兔年平安、喜樂 Happy Chinese New Year

很幸運,家人和朋友,一直都在以自己的方式,給我們祝福、支持和鼓勵。不管是愛心餅乾、溫柔擁抱、偶來短訊、暖胃飯菜、精緻糕點、耐心聆聽、充當司機、美麗燈籠、布制手工、慰問郵件、好書分享、可愛玩具、漂亮服飾、佳節賀卡(不分先後)等等等等...... 我們都好感激、很感動....


p/s: 今年的賀卡,很多朋友都會在新年後才會收到,很抱歉哦!沒辦法,時間和精力有限.... 兔子是安費了好些心思畫的,先練習寫兔字,後用鉛筆試描了幾次,再以粗頭墨水筆畫了好幾張.....雖然很簡單,可是對一個六歲的孩子而言(中文底子又不是很強)我為她感到自豪!

To our dear friends and families,

Thank you so much for your support for all these years... Thank you for all your kind gestures and generosities. We are very lucky to have you as our friends, families and neighbours!

We would like to wish you and your family, Happy Chinese New Year! Take care!!

D, WK, J and T

18 January 2011

Stork-billed Kingfisher

D spotted this beautiful bird in the zoo last week... It's wild, and not one of the exhibits in the zoo.

Very lucky indeed to be able to take a photo of this pretty creature :)






09 January 2011










03 January 2011





此篇不談自己已生塵的畫筆 (感慨萬千!)...... 只想談一談C夫婦。




